Tuesday, December 8, 2009

School is Out

I'm so excited today was my last day of class. I still have one more final, but it feels good to be so close to being done. I can't believe I almost have my bachelors degree. It feels like it's been forever since High School, but at the same time I can't believe it's already over. I discovered today that I can get certified as an SLPA (Speech Language Pathologist Assistant), that way I can actually work using my degree. I just have to get a 100 clinical hours, I'm so excited cause I was thinking I could only use my degree if I went on to get my Masters. Yippee!

Theres no better way to express my emotions than this picture.


Bonnie and Tyler said...

YAY!!! Congrats sis!! Love ya!

Mallory said...

YAY!!! I am so proud of you!!! Let's celebrate with some shopping!

Kayla said...

I hope this isn't creepy! I am friends with Marilee (Glazier) Killpack, and saw your name on her blog list and since we share the same name, i clicked on your blog. then I realized I am pretty sure my dad was your bishop?? Bishop Jan Goodrich? Anyways, you have a way cute blog and I love the snow falling, hope you don't mind me asking how you got that on your blog?? I love it! Congrats on getting closer to your bachelor degree!

Selma said...

Yay for you! So exciting! We do need to clebrate!

Kayla said...

Thanks so much Kayla, hopefully you don't mind that I copied you, I think it's so cute!!

Emily said...

Hurray! Super exciting to be done!