Thursday, February 3, 2011

I need I need I want I want

We almost bought a puppy last year, but Greg said you can either buy a camera or we can buy a puppy. I decided to buy my camera first cause you need a camera to take pictures of a cute puppy :). Since then I randomly beg Greg for a puppy, but we both agree it would be mean to leave it home all day while we are at work. To solve that problem I quickly offered to stay home and take care of it. :) haha of course that would never happen but it was worth a shot. Well recently he put the picture of the puppy we almost bought as the background of his phone and he can't stop whining about  how he wants a puppy so bad. :) hehehe. So me thinking I would surprise him for his birthday,which is Saturday,with a new puppy shortly went down the drain when the closest puppy was in California.  Now reasoning is clicking in and we (Greg) are thinking we should wait. Boo I need a cute puppy to cuddle and play with.
 So how do I drive to California and come back in time without Greg noticing :) I could surprise him for Valentines day. He couldn't deny it once I brought it home.


Becky said...

Do it do it do it! Puppies are the BEST! SO worth everything it takes to get them!

Marissa said...

KAYLA. We are GOING to California in two weeks. A little late for Greg's b-day...but if you need a puppy transporter we would be MORE than happy to get it for you!! Haha but really. I'm 100% serious right now. I think you guys need a puppy.

Mallory said...

You need that puppy! I want that puppy. Get that puppy.

Lindsey said...

ph so that's why you're coming to visit- to pick up a puppy! woot! haha jk, sorry i've been needing to call you back- i got a new phone and am working out the kinks, but i WILL call you tonight, I promise :) xoxo


Meg said...

that puppy is so cute! just get it, you won't regret it :)

{Kim} said...

That puppy sure is cute! However, you won't want a puppy once you have a baby. Maybe stay home with a baby instead!